One of the hardest questions to answer is "who am I?"

Knowing who we are is of utmost importance for a man. Our identity becomes the rudder by which we live our life and treat others.

See, we aren't what we do, but rather who we are determines our behavior.

Trouble is most of us haven't been shown how to figure that out.

"I'm a different person now than when I started The BE Course. I'm content, proud of who I am, and happier in my relationships. And six months after completing the course I got a promotion at work!"

Chase Burton


the people and forces that shaped you into the man you are today.


an identity statement that will guide you to becoming the man you want to be.


use the tools and practice controlling limiting thoughts and toxic emotions.

For anyone looking back at their life there is a lot to unravel from the many messages we received about our identity in childhood to trauma and everything in-between.

We men also have to contend with a very real catch-22: discovering our identity takes emotional strength and maturity, but we've been taught from a young age that emotions are not our arena but rather they are inferior, feminine, or not to be trusted.

In order to discover who we are and develop into who we want to be we have to be courageous enough to enter that arena.

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