
Welcome to BE Course

Hi guys. Welcome to the Be Course. Glad you are here. My name is Charles Shivers. I am the creator of this course and I will be your guide throughout. 

First thing I want to say, thank you for making the decision to complete this course! 

Whatever your reason—lack of direction, emotions out of control, inability to be close to others, or maybe you’re not completely sure, you just know something is off—today you have made a good choice for yourself. 

Be proud of that decision! Take this moment right now to relish that choice. Feel it. Let the feeling fill you up and break out into a smile on your face. 

You are choosing to grow into a version of yourself that is healthy and confident. Joyful and at peace. Capable of giving and receiving love. Excited about your relationships and future. Content in your abilities and committed to working hard for the things in life that matter to you. 

A little about me, I’ve been through a lot of the crap you have and like you do I needed all the things I’ve just said to you. Because I didn’t have it. I was listless, anxious, fearful, full of uncertainty and doubt, feeling unloved and unlovable, and helplessly insecure. The big kicker was I didn’t even know it at the time. I thought I was mature and completely in control of myself. My hurts, shame and false identity showed up in many ways and all of them destructive to myself and hurtful to those around me. 

I was well into my marriage and my kids were approaching school age when it started to dawn on me that I was not okay. Like many men that approach mid-life I had a significant few years that can only be described as a mid-life crisis. I like to call it my mid-life coming of age, because in some ways I was still very much stuck in the pain and emotions of my younger self. 

Now, hear me on this. I don’t like how society paints a man as an overgrown child with stunted emotions. The typical sitcom character. But, at the same time, I was starting to realize I really was stuck in some areas as though I never grew past a certain age. 

I needed to mature out of boyhood while continuing to handle the responsibilities of a grown man. 

This course was created out of my own experience. The starting point, the exercises and the gradual progression is the same road I have walked. 

I ask you to trust the process and give yourself fully to the work to be done here.

Peace ✌️

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