Develop Introduction
Understanding Your Values, Strengths and Crafting Your First Statement | 2 weeks
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Develop will guide you into a better understanding of your motivations and your unique values and strengths.
The exercises start with what inspires you before moving into a better understanding of your daily life now.
By the end of this module you will write an identity statement that will guide you into becoming the man you want to be.
Your identity statement should be aspirational and remind you who you really are and who you are growing into everyday.
It should be concise and powerful and stir you on the inside when you focus on it.
It is going to serve as a guide to keep you on track through this program (and hopefully after!) and will be used with other tools on a daily and weekly basis.
So, put effort into crafting it.
Dig deep.
Make it personal and powerful.
Give proper time and energy to discovering who you are becoming.
Tips and Directions
- Completing these exercises and crafting your first statement should take about 2 weeks so that you have the proper time to absorb, focus and reflect.
- Remember when you were in school and you were required to write a rough draft before writing a final draft? It’s kind of like that. Work on the questions and get your thoughts down, take some time to reflect, then come back and review what you’ve done. See if it needs to be tweaked. See if you can dig deeper.
- Consider using pen and paper. Using a journal is even better. Digital is great for many things, but the tactile rhythm of writing is helpful in these situations.
- This guide begins with exercises to spark inspiration and pinpoint values and strengths unique to you before you will begin writing down your actual statement.
- Complete each exercise as best you can and enjoy the process!